第二部分 Role play,考試時間大約一分三十秒至兩分鐘。考官會同考生玩角度扮演,例如考官扮演一個遊客,問路人:Excuse me, do you know of a good place to eat near here?
The participants take the examination in the Safe Exam Browser. The examiner can log in to conduct the oral part of the examination if required or take it on site. The oral examination does not have to be taken at the same time, but can take place at a later date.
– Karl Knechtel Commented Jan 31, 2022 at 15:20 dear @KarlKnechtel It doesn't answer this question directly that is true, but it is good for SEO get more info for Stackoverflow if someone having this issue but isn't able to form the right question but only mentions like b' Flask/Django then this answer will be more relevant for the search engine to put it hinein front.
*I know that I have a right to information about my data as well as a right to their correction, deletion or anonymization.
In the morning you practice all the basic skills like speaking, listening, reading and writing, and in the afternoon the focus is exclusively on the exam.
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